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Notes For Teachers

This WebQuest supports the 5th grade Art/Music interdisciplinary unit on  African American art and the blues.


The Instructional Purpose is to sharpen the student's understanding of a particular artist or artistic style by creating a new work in a similar way.




Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work

VA:Cr1.1.5a Combine ideas to generate an innovative idea for art-making.

Essential Question(s): How does knowing the contexts histories, and traditions of art forms help us create works of art and design?

VA:Cr1.2.5a Identify and demonstrate diverse methods of artistic investigation to choose an approach for beginning a work or art.

Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. 

Essential Question: How do artists work? 

VA:Cr2.1.5a Experiment and develop skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches through practice.


Anchor Standard 1: Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.

Essential Question: How do musicians generate creative ideas?

MU:Cr1.1.5b Generate musical ideas within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.

Anchor Standard 2: Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.

Essential Question: How do musicians make creative decisions?

MU:Cr2.1.5b Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording technology to document personal, rhythmic, melodic, and two-chord harmonic ideas.

The intended learners are 5th grade Art/Music students. The WebQuest unit will take approximately four 40 minute class periods to complete projects in both Art and Music. Prerequisites will be familiarity with using the camera, Pages, and Notability iPad apps. Students should also be familiar with the concept of beat and measures in music.


This project requires the use of an iPad. All resources are included in this WebQuest.


Music teacher will need to create or find suitable background tracks for 12-bar blues accompaniment.



Got My Mojo Working:


Mississippi Delta Blues:


Lost Your Head Blues:


Back Water Blues:


Three O’Clock Blues:


Writing Blues Handout:


PBS: Blues Classroom:


PBS: Blues Classroom Blues Lyrics Lesson:


Conan and Kids Write Blues Songs:



All Bearden's images are found at


All Ringgold's images are found at















Understanding by Design

Stage 1 - Desired Results


Established Goal(s): See National Core Standards listed above for Art and Music.

Students will explore the work of different African American artists and musicians and create their own artwork and blues lyrics, based on a similar style.



Students will understand that...

-personal experiences can be expressed through art and music.

-African American artists have told their stories through art and music. 

-artists rely on certain structures and techniques and are inspired by others.


Essential Question(s):

How does knowing the contexts histories, and traditions of art forms help us create works of art and design?

How do artists work? 

How do musicians generate creative ideas?

How do musicians make creative decisions?


Students will know...

-the AAB form of  blues lyrics.

-the basic biographies of several African American musicians and artists.

-collage as an art technique.


Students will be able to...

-write a blues lyric using AAB form.

-create a collage using a camera and iPad apps.


Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence:

Performance Task(s):

-Create a photo collage of a personal experience or dream using a photo, Pages and Notability on iPad.

-Print collage and make a "story quilt" frame with magazine squares, similar to those in Faith Ringgold's artwork.

-Create 12-bar blues lyrics in AAB form, based on their own personal experience or feeling.

-Use Audioboom to record the piece and make a QR code to share with others.


Other Evidence:

Self assessment, following rubric


Stage 3 - Learning Plan


Learning Activities:

Lesson will begin with an introduction, celebrating Black History month. Students will be exposed to a variety of artwork and music that they will not have been exposed to previously. The artwork and music is engaging in and of itself. Knowing that they will have to create their own artwork and lyrics, based on artists they explore, students will be motivated to attend to details.





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